Congratulations to Julien and Amine who scored three new papers at once in the context of their FRM project in collaboration with F. Rousseau on the topic of cortical development and neonatal stroke. One of the papers appears in Developmental Biology. The two other ones will be presented at the EMBC conference in Berlin (July …
Archives de la Catégorie : conferences
Avr 02
Workshop GEANT: Data Management and Sharing in Neuroinformatics
The french node of INCF is organizing a workshop on Data Management and Sharing in Neuroinformatics. See annoucement below. Register and contribute ! Workshop on Data Management and Sharing in Neuroinformatics!/workshops/geant2019 What? The management of large and heterogeneous data has become essential for researchers interested in modelling and data analysis in …
Jan 10
Two papers accepted at the ISBI 2017 conference
MeCA will present two papers at the ISBI 2017 conference in Melbourne, Australia, April 18-21. One paper is by Lucie Thiébaut, on the projection of fMRI data on the cortical surface, the other is a collaboration with Yann Leguen and Vincent Frouin, from the Neurospin center, and is about the genetics of sulcal pits. See …