Congratulations to Lionel who just published a paper in Lancet Neurology ! See the publications section.
Archives de la Catégorie : papers
Juil 25
New paper in Brain, Structure and Function
Congratulations to Clémentine, who just got a paper accepted in Brain, Structure and Function: Anatomo-Functional Correspondence in the Superior Temporal Sulcus. See the publications section.
Fév 04
New paper in Journal of Neuroscience
A new paper has been accepted in Journal of Neuroscience, from our long-lasting collaboration with Bill Hopkins. The paper establish a difference in depth within the central sulcus between chimpanzees that are able to produce attention getting (AG) sounds and those which cannot produce such sounds. An heritability study shows that such difference is the …
Jan 10
Two papers accepted at the ISBI 2017 conference
MeCA will present two papers at the ISBI 2017 conference in Melbourne, Australia, April 18-21. One paper is by Lucie Thiébaut, on the projection of fMRI data on the cortical surface, the other is a collaboration with Yann Leguen and Vincent Frouin, from the Neurospin center, and is about the genetics of sulcal pits. See …
Déc 31
New paper in IEEE TMI
Hamed has got a paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, about new gyrifiction indexes using spectral analysis. Well done ! See the publications section.