
Cortical parcellation model

MarsAtlas is a model of cortical parcellation. It can be applied to any cortical surface via the HipHop parameterization pipeline, available in the BrainVisa Cortical Surface Toolbox, under the Anatomy category.

MarsAtlas has been developed in collaboration with Andréa Brovelli at INT.

It has been primarily designed for functional data analysis and localization. Both the atlas and its use for functional analysis have been presented int he following paper

Guillaume Auzias*, Olivier Coulon*, Andrea Brovelli (2016) MarsAtlas : A cortical parcellation atlas for functional mapping, Human Brain Mapping 37(4), p. 1573-1592, url, doi:10.1002/hbm.23121 (* equal contribution)

It has also been used for functional connectivity inference in the following paper:

Brovelli, A., Badier, J.-M., Bonini, F., Bartolomei, F., Coulon*, O., & Auzias*, G. (2017). Dynamic Reconfiguration of Visuomotor-Related Functional Connectivity Networks. The Journal of Neuroscience, 37(4), 839–853. (*equal contribution)

The atlas is as shown below on the HipHop138 template.

It contains 41 parcellation areas on each hemisphere. These labels are available via one texture per hemisphere, that are outputs of the HIP-HOP pipeline, in <subject>/t1mri/default_acquisition/default_analysis/segmentation/mesh/surface_analysis/<subject>_L/Rwhite_parcels_marsAtlas.gii.

The surface parcellation can be propagated to the cortical volume segmentation by using the  ‘Cortical Surface -> Low Level -> 2D parcellation to 3D parcellation‘ BrainVisa process. This should result in something like this:

Visualization: when looking at a subject’s parcellation (surface or volume) with Anatomist, the best colormap is ‘MarsAtlas’. From Brainvisa, there is a viewer in the HipHop pipeline, also accessible directly in ‘Cortical Surface -> Viewers‘, that does the job for you.


Below is a table with the nomenclature of parcellation labels.


Left index Right Index Label Lobe / Région Full name Brodman Area
1 101 VCcm Occipital Caudal Medial Visual Cortex 17/18
2 102 VCl Occipital Lateral Visual Cortex 37/19/18
3 103 VCs Occipital Superior Visual Cortex 19/39
4 104 Cu Occipital Cuneus 18/19
5 105 VCrm Occipital Rostral Medial Visual Cortex 18/19
6 106 ITCm Temporal Medial Inferior Temporal Cortex 36/37/20
7 107 ITCr Temporal Rostral Inferior Temporal Cortex 20
8 108 MTCc Temporal Caudal Middle Temporal Cortex 21/22/39
9 109 STCc Temporal Caudal Superior Temporal Cortex 22/41/42
10 110 STCr Temporal Rostral Superior Temporal Cortex 21/22/38
11 111 MTCr Temporal Rostral Middle Temporal Cortex 20/21/38
13 113 IPCv Parietal Ventral Inferior Parietal Cortex 40
14 114 IPCd Parietal Dorsal Inferior Parietal Cortex 39/40/7
15 115 SPC Parietal Superior Parietal Cortex 7
16 116 SPCm Parietal Medial Superior Parietal Cortex 7
17 117 PCm Parietal Medial Parietal Cortex 31
19 119 Sv Parietal Ventral Somatosensory Cortex 1/2/3
20 120 Sdl Parietal Dorsolateral Somatosensory Cortex 1/2/3
21 121 Sdm Parietal Dorsomedial Somatosensory Cortex 1/2/3/5/31
12 112 ICC Cingular Isthmus Cingulate Cortex 30
18 118 PCC Cingular Posterior Cingulate Cortex 23
30 130 MCC Cingular Mid Cingulate Cortex 24
40 140 ACC Cingular Anterior Cingulate Cortex 24/32
22 122 Mv Frontal Ventral Motor Cortex 4/6
23 123 Mdl Frontal Dorsolateral Motor Cortex 4
24 124 Mdm Frontal Dorsomedial Motor Cortex 4
25 125 PMrv Frontal Rostral Ventral Premotor Cortex 44/45
26 126 PMdl Frontal Dorsolateral Premotor Cortex 6/8
27 127 PMdm Frontal Dorsomedial Premotor Cortex 6
28 128 PFcdl Frontal Caudal Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex 45/46/9
29 129 PFcdm Frontal Caudal Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex 6/8
31 131 PFrvl Frontal Rostral Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex 47/45
32 132 Pfrdli Frontal Rostral Dorsolateral Inferior Prefrontal Cortex 10/46
33 133 Pfrdls Frontal Rostral Dorsolateral Superior Prefrontal Cortex 10/9
34 134 PFrd Frontal Rostral Dorsal Prefrontal Cortex 10/9/8
35 135 PFrm Frontal Rostral Medial Prefrontal Cortex 9/8
36 136 OFCvl Orbito-Frontal Ventrolateral Orbito Frontal Cortex 11/47
37 137 OFCv Orbito-Frontal Ventral Orbito Frontal Cortex 11/47
38 138 OFCvm Orbito-Frontal Ventromedial Orbito Frontal Cortex 10/11
39 139 PFCvm Orbito-Frontal Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex 32/10/11
41 141 Insula Insula Insular Cortex 13